TIME magazine | time.com

As Art Director, I created a consistent look and feel for all marketing materials and events. Responsibilities included creating special advertising sections, designing logos, invitations, event signage, web banner ads, e-blasts, trade and consumer ads, and various sales marketing materials. Also produced advertising materials for major clients, such as Raymond James, Ameriprise, Ebay, IBM, Pfizer, more.

TIME/time.com Art Director 1997 – 2006
Time Inc. News Division Sr. Art Director 2006 – 2009


SocialCode LOGO and Branding Design
SocialCode Logo Design
SocialCode Signage


Manager of Creative (full-time)
SocialCode, a Strategic Preferred Marketing Developer for Facebook and Twitter 

The first priority was rebranding and the creation of sales materials.

SocialCode’s previous logo symbolized tweets, which is was not representative of their purpose or value. Their business creates connections and loyalty between brands and their customers through SaaS, their new proprietary software and specialized analytics in paid advertising across social media platforms.

After designing the new logo and creating the branding guidelines, new sales tools were created, sales presentation templates, all new collateral, and signage.  Our presentations with an expanded excellent sales staff succeeded in acquiring multi-million dollar advertiser contracts from clients such as Samsung, Disney, Toshiba, and many Fortune 100 clients.

During my 16 months SocialCode, the staff grew from 33 people to over 125, requiring 2 new offices. I designed the new signage, and worked with the architectural firm, providing detailed selections such as paint colors, wall treatments (including chalkboard and screen walls for the conference rooms), and logo icon appliques for glass walls.


SocialCode Holiday card